2021 Survey Results
Thank you, everyone, for all your support and feedback! We’re finally getting around to publishing the results from last year’s survey. Ahoj, Bonjour, Ciao, Dia Dhuit, G’day mate, Hallo, Halo, Hei, Hej, Helli, Hello, Helo, Hey!, Hi, Hola, Howdy, Kamusta, Merhaba, Moin, Olá, Salut, Tere, Witaj, Xin Chào, Zdravo, Živjo, خوش آمدید, Γειά, Привiт, 안녕하세요!
If you want to compare to the last survey, the old results are here. First, here’s a look at who Buckets users are:

Trial vs Paid¶
The untimed trial period is one of my favorite things about Buckets. I’m glad people are using it!
Thank you to all those who have purchased a license. You’re helping make it possible for me to continue working on Buckets!
Buckets users do a variety of things! From the survey, I’ve learned that a Notfallsanitäter is a paramedic, someone who does Faturamento is invoicing and at least one of you is a “Legal Drug Dealer” 😄 Here’s a sample of some of the work you all do:
Accounting, Administrative Assistant, Administrator, Analyst, Author, Bank operations, Business Analyst, Business professional, Cash coordinator, CEO, Civil Engineer, Civil Servant, Computer Security, Consultant, Counsellor, Customer Service, Data Scientist, Devops Engineer, Documentation, Electronics Technician, Engineer, Estimator, Faturamento, Financial Analyst, Financial Planner, Food Service, Graduate Student, Healthcare, Homemaker, IT, Journalist, Judge, Language Teaching, Legal Drug Dealer, Legal Secretary, Logistics Manager, Machine Embroiderer, Managing Director, Doctor, Medical Student, Military, Network Admin, Notfallsanitäter, Nurse, Online Marketing Manager, Pastor, Pequeño Empresario, Physician Assistant, Physics Professor, Product Manager, Product Security, Professor, Project Manager, Publishing, Researcher, Restaurant Manager, Retired, Safety Engineer, Sales Manager, School Bus Driver, Artist, Silicon Design Engineer, Social Media Manager, Social Worker, Software Consultant, Software Engineer, Soldier, Stage Manager, Stay at Home Dad, Stay at Home Mom, Student, Surveyor, Sysadmin, Systems Analyst, Teacher, Technical Support Specialist, Unemployed, Video Game Developer, Writer
More of you are in your 40s than last year. Maybe it’s because people age? :)
What’s the best part about Buckets?¶
Here are a few highlights—you’re all very kind:
- The one-time price and trial period
- Local native app instead of a website
- The “Make it rain” button
- Simplicity
- Credit card handling
What new feature does Buckets need the most?¶
Unsurprisingly, a mobile app is the most requested feature. I’m still working out kinks in the Android app, but hope to get both iOS and Android out by the end of the year. Here’s a summary of all the other answers in no particular order:
- Mobile app with transaction input (#72)
- Recurring transactions (#201, #212, #760)
- Ability to match imported transactions with manually entered ones (#430, #759)
- Payee field (#101)
- Retirement and investment account tracking (#437)
- Cross-device sync with conflict resolution (#232)
- Account reconciliation (#85)
- Classify transactions from within the Amazon Import tool (#766)
- Let me move columns around (#767)
- More instructional videos
- Support for Chromebook (#768)
- Multiple currency support (#108)
- Fix Activity - This one is done!
- Income and expense report by category (#707)
- Autocomplete in memo/payee (#106)
- Dark mode (#293)
- Bulk edit/categorization (#311)
I’m so excited to work on these and have ideas floating in my head for how to solve most of them. For instance, handling retirement/investment accounts and adding support for multiple currencies are both intertwined and will probably arrive at the same time. And I can’t wait for multi-device sync to finally be done.
To be honest, though, it is somewhat discouraging that this list is very similar to the one from the last survey. I’ll touch more on this in an upcoming post.
Have you recommended Buckets to anyone?¶
Thank you for telling your friends about Buckets!
What’s next?¶
The mobile apps and desktop improvements. I still love working on Buckets and I’m grateful that it helps so many people manage their finances.
I’m also really glad that Buckets by the Loaf has allowed more people to have access to it. So far, we’ve sent licenses out to Brasil, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, India, Kenya, Malaysia, Moldova, North Macedonia, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Russia, Turkey, and Ukraine.
Happy budgeting!
— Matt